Wednesday, October 10, 2007

sadly, we have the same blood.

our first topic for ib art is the 'self'. to express this, we can create anything that we perceive as something that shows 'self'. for this piece i have chosen to create something small but detailed. i got my inspiration from the movie "queen of the damned", at one of the end scenes when there was a family tree, blood was going through it to represent how the family is connected by blood. i painted on thick cardboard which i cut up myself and used water color for the humans and the small features, and acrylic for the blood so that it will overlap the watercolor.
i named this piece, "sadly, we have the same blood" to represent my dysfunctional family which "sadly" makes up who i am. i ripped off the father figures face for personal reasons which adds some depth to the piece i guess. the blood coming out of the eyes also shows the sadness of the relation. at the end of the day, without your family you wouldn't be the way that you are now, which is basically what this whole piece is about.

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