Friday, January 18, 2008

on letting go

i haven't updated this blog for awhile... due to school and my laziness. however, i have accomplished my second culture piece. for awhile already actually but i never got around to posting it on here. it is based on the topic of women in Thailand, the issue of prostitution and women "letting go" of their traditional lifestyle. the painting is on wood, with acrylic and oil paint used. The woman lying down represents the female prostitutes of Thailand, she is naked, smoking and has heels and pearls on her head. She is naked because she has shed her culture, leaving her with nothing. She is smoking because it is taboo and untraditional to do so. She has pumps and pearls on her head because in Thailand, putting feet on the head is considered extremely disrespectful and unacceptable, and the pearls just signifies how she puts materialistic possessions before anything else (always on her mind; her head). The smoke blown out has veins in it, in the colors of the Thai flag, this shows how she has let go of her own blood and origin.
I do like this piece a lot but i feel like i should've have made it a lot bigger. I cut it in a diamond shape spontaneously, because it looked to plain being in its original rectangular shape.

1 comment:

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